Letter from Macc
your "research" Jayne Mansfield wore her own real jewellery on
cover,the large ring in particular caused riot when it was missing
from her body at scene of fatal accident,it was later found as
was $40,000.00 diamond bracelet that was in the carbuerator.Mansfields'
expertise with gemology was second only to Elizabeth Taylor.Out
of respect for Jaynes' five children alot of people have stopped
giving her credit for ANY trashy behaviour or look in Hollywood.You
might remember when a drunken John Lennon(who had a sanitary napkin
on his head) asked a waitress"Don't cha know who I am?"She said"You
are some ASSHOLE with a Kotex on his head!"I think THAT is pretty
trashy/cheesy? Thanks Y'all...........
reply: Hmm, I guess the moral of the story is...trashy is as trashy
does. Or maybe it is, trash of a feather flock together?
could anyone hate US, really?)