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Disco Dance Lessons from VinylCheese


WARNING!!! Folks! Science has also proven again and again that doing "Knee-Knockers" will NOT attract a partner. Hopefully you already have one.


  1. Start.
  2. Use double hand hold, knees don't touch.
  3. Step left side weight on left foot, knees almost straight.
  4. Bring right knee in toward left leg, weight remains on left leg.
  5. Swing right knee out away from left leg, weight still on the left leg.
  6. Bring right knee in toward left leg, weight remains on left leg.
  7. Right foot side, with weight on it..
  8. Bring left knee towards right leg without touching it. Weight on right foot.
  9. Swing left knee out away from right leg keeping weight on right foot.
  10. Bring left knee back into right without touching. Keep weight on right foot.
  11. Repeat until ecstatic.
  12. We don't make these up.
knee.gif - 104.11 K


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